Journalists' articles

Environment’s pollution

The environmental pollution is a significant issue of international concern and it is urgent for the humanity to find solutions.

Unfortunately the majority of us seem not interested in taking action and doing something in order to combat this eminent phenomenon. On the contrary humans damage the nature (land, sea, atmosphere) because of personal interests. As a result we fail on the protection and conservation of our habitat for the future generations. Our main concern is how to get more and more money in order to become rich and how to further increase the productivity. There is no concern about the serious implications of environment’s degradation. However, there is a number of people who try to be active and help by recycling, planting trees and flowers or making advocate for alternative modes of transportation or power production to ensure the environment’s safety.  

Eva Kapou


The Society nowadays- Human rights

Human rights are the rights, equally accorded to all human beings, regardless of their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language or other status. In the majority of modern societies, in most countries people are free to “use” their rights liberally. As always there are some exceptions and limitations, for example like the inequality between men and women in many countries.

The truth is that this phenomenon has its roots in Greece too. Despite the fact that women are equal with men by law, there are many people with old-fashioned beliefs and prejudices who think the opposite. Nowadays a woman should be hired for a company and get the same salary with a man for the exact same task but this doesn’t happen! The majority of authority figures and people in high positions are men because the society still thinks that women are not so capable of that. It must be also mentioned, that it is not very common for women to be involved in politics, despite history proving that they are quite worth.

Additionally women are dedicated to motherhood. They must take care of their children and bring them up, sometimes on their own. This was the role of women in the past but now they also have to take on other responsibilities. This should make them more powerful and respected and it is about time for society to realize that.

In conclusion, people should wake up and behave towards women in the way they deserve because not only men are human beings of value but also the women. It is true that women have achieved a lot but they are still fighting for something which normally had to be given to them by default.

Peny Galanou


Missing children in industrialized nations

Missing children are called the children that have disappeared for mainly unknown reasons.
Some of them are “forced” to leave their houses, because of the abuse by a family member (often by the parents) or a mental illness. On the other hand some of them are being kidnapped, murdered or even sold as slaves for sexual servitude and forced labour.

There are 4 types of abduction:
1.    Nonfamily abduction
2.    Family abduction
3.    Runaway / thrown away
4.    Missing involuntary, lost, or injured

According to the latest statistics:
•    Each year almost 800.000 minor children are missing.
•    Of these, only 797.500 are reported
•    Every day almost 2000 children are reported missing.
•    203.900 were victims of family abductions
•    On average 115 are victims of kidnappings that result in randsome demands and death

By Marita Boulougouri


The Future of Europe

Since the 18th century and the Enlightenment, Europe has been the cradle of Civilization (Freedom-Reason- Technical progress-Pursuit of Happiness). Europe has conquered large parts of the world in building vast colonial empires and its migrants have settled in new continents such as North and South America or Australia. With the passage of time, European empires slowly disappeared. Nevertheless, most of the world’s cultures in civilized countries are still a legacy of the European Enlightenment. As a result this article focuses on Civilization and cultures.
According to our research, the European Union is in danger of four causes: Firstly, the incapacity to find a common identity, secondly, the massive migrations leading to problems such us social tensions and unemployment. Thirdly, as a result of the economic crisis, a huge number of unemployed people in spite of a GNI which attains 12,000 $Billion in 2004 and is expected to reach about 18,000 in 2030; Fourth, an ineffective governance characterized by a lack of common vision and a series of poor decisions.

  1. The European structure created a common free market with a single currency. However, the European is still unable to define their common identity, based on common characteristics.
  2. The European Union (25 countries + Norway, Switzerland and Iceland) accounts for 470 million in 2004 and would reach 460 in 2030. This expected decline is a pretext for massive migration of people.
  3. Economical crisis has affected the income of most of the EU countries. As a result, many members face problems that may to abandon it. Today, there are 20 millions job seekers in the EU and mainly in Western Europe: Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. However, unemployment is not a plain European problem and situation differs according to each country.
  4. The governance of Europe is characterized by a lack of common vision, a series of poor decisions regarding enlargement and a lack of democratic institution.
  5. To sum up, we hope that Europe will overcome these obstacles that have taken place in the last decade, with unity and collaboration between governments and countries, as whole.

By Alexandros Tasoulas and Marina Mattheou

Source: Free World Academy homepage


Social Networks

How many of you have ever considered the fact that the majority of the population in the whole planet somehow connects with each other through different types of social networks? Well, it is a matter of fact that more than half of the people around the world are increasingly using technology to take part in social networks. Networks, such as “Facebook”, “Twitter” or “Linked in”, are some of the most popular examples.
Social networks provide a number of advantages. These benefits are well-known to everyone. For example, many people find ways to communicate with each other even in long distances or different time zones. Moreover, one can make new acquaintances, find common interests and have new friendships from all over the world. Furthermore, someone can easily promote an important event to anyone that wishes to be aware of it. In general, social networks provide an excellent basis for one to broaden his/her relationships, opportunities and knowledge.
As many positive aspects as can be said about social network over the internet, one can argue about the negative effects this may bring with it. People cannot only benefit from social networks. They can also face dangers, via virtual communication, for example one can be alienated from the real world and communicate only through these networks, which is a form of addiction. Moreover, it can be likely for one to face violation of one’s privacy. Pictures, videos or personal documents can be leaked to websites without the knowledge or consent of this person. Another important aspect is that, a lot of people, especially teenagers, communicate with other people without really knowing who the other persons are. In conclusion, alongside the positives, there are negative aspects, which require our caution and alertness.
Social networks can be advantageous, if they are used correctly and properly. There are a lot of benefits that make them so popular, but, in addition, one should be aware that danger always looms.

Athina Gaitanou

Missing children in industrialized nations

Missing children are called the children that have disappeared for mainly unknown reasons.

Some of them are “forced” to leave their houses, because of the abuse by a family member (often by the parents) or a mental illness. On the other hand some of them are being kidnapped, murdered or even sold as slaves for sexual servitude and forced labour.

There are 4 types of abduction:

1. Nonfamily abduction

2. Family abduction

3. Runaway / thrown away

4. Missing involuntary, lost, or injured

According to the latest statistics:

  • Each year almost 800.000 minor children are missing.
  • Of these, only 797.500 are reported
  • Every day almost 2000 children are reported missing.
  • 203.900 were victims of family abductions
  • On average 115 are victims of kidnappings that result in randsome demands and death

By Marita Boulougouri