Invitation - 18th Deutsche Schule Athen Model United Nations Conference

Dear MUN Director, Advisor, Colleague,

We cordially invite you to the 18th DSAMUN Conference (Deutsche Schule Athen Model United Nations Conference) to be held from Friday 23 to Sunday 25 October 2015 at  Deutsche Schule Athen / Germaniki Scholi Athinon (GSA).

DSAMUN is a three-day-long simulation of the work of the United Nations. It is designed for secondary school students (Greek Lykeion/grades 10-12) and is intended to provide an occasion for the delegates to discuss world issues. It gives them the opportunity to experience the work of the United Nations and to get to know the world of diplomacy. For students from schools where the first language is not English an MUN conference also offers the opportunity to develop and practice their English, as the official language of DSAMUN (preparing resolutions, lobbying, debating) is English.

DSAMUN has 4 General Assembly Committees (Political Committee, Disarmament and International Security Committee, Social and Humanitarian Committee and Environmental and Cultural Committee) and 5 specialized committees (Security Council, ECOSOC, Special Conference on Persons with Disabilities, Youth Assembly and International Court of Justice).

The delegates should research and prepare draft resolutions and policy statements on the various issues and learn to negotiate and debate in the formal way of the United Nations. By attending DSAMUN, foreign delegates will have the great opportunity to visit the Acropolis, the new Acropolis Museum and all the other places of interest in Athens. On Saturday 24 October an optional excursion to Loutraki will be organized. Special rates for accommodation will be offered.

The MUN website ( provides you with all the necessary detailed information. You register online.  For any further information please contact our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope to welcome you at our conference.

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Fischer                               Maria Theocharopoulou                            Frank Arnold
  Headmaster                                        MUN Director                                    MUN Director