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pdf Action Paper I on the dangers of the internet world Popular
pdf Action-Paper II on body image and self esteem Popular
pdf Disarmament and International Security - Reestablishing The Criteria Under Which A Country Engages Into War (Jus Ad Bellum) And The Laws Of War (Jus In Bello) Popular
pdf Disarmament and International Security - Strengthening international cooperation to counteract terrorist action of ISIS Popular
pdf Disarmement and International Security - The issue of the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula Popular
pdf ECOSOC - Countering migrant smuggling Popular
pdf ECOSOC - Disrupting organized criminal networks through intelligence and financial investigations Popular
pdf ECOSOC - Integrating LEDCs into global trade Popular
pdf ECOSOC - Job Creation And Training In Post Conflict Countries Popular
pdf ECOSOC - The issue of an ageing population in MEDCs and its impact on economic prosperity Popular
pdf Environmental Committee - Bio application of nanomaterials and their consequences on human health and the environment Popular
pdf Environmental Committee - Finding long term solutions for waste management in LEDCs Popular
pdf Environmental Committee - Preventing the degradation of maritime environment due to off shore oil mining Popular
pdf Security Council - The question of an autonomous Kurdistan Popular
pdf Security Council - The situation in the Republic of Turkey Popular
pdf Security Council - The threat of the Taliban militia in the region of Afghanistan and Pakistan Popular
pdf Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee - Combating social conflicts and the growing far right ideology in refugee - hosting countries Popular
pdf Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee - Establishing global minimum working condition standards Popular
pdf Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee - Tackling the issue of child marriage and child grooming Popular
pdf Special Conference on Modern Slavery - Eliminating domestic servitude Popular