Provisional Agenda DSAMUN 2020



Disarmament and International Security Committee (GA1) 

  • The Question of the Expansion of the common EU defence policy
  • The conduction of Artificial Islands and Military Bases in international waters
  • Regulating the use of drones in active wars



  • Global economic implications of the extraction of natural resources in the arctic circle and disputed territories
  • Assessing the limitations of monetary policy as a financial stability method
  • Encouraging structural reforms to reduce income inequality


Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (GA3)

  • Fostering the preservation of languages
  • The question of government’s right to limit civil liberties in times of conflict
  • Improving employment opportunities for refugees and displaced persons


Special Political and Decolonization Committee (GA4)

  • On the question of Hong Kong’ s status in China
  • Regulating the privatization of outer space exploration
  • The case of Guam


Legal Committee (GA6)

  • Discussing legal measures on information disorder and its influence on democratic elections
  • Establishing a legal framework on genetic engineering methods
  • Developing measures to eradicate the manufacturing and trafficking of counterfeit medicines


Environmental Committee

  • Advancing climate-smart agricultural methods in Africa
  • Addressing the importance of helping island states in building resilience to climate change
  • Towards prohibiting the operation of factories with unsustainable outputs of carbon dioxide
  • Regulating and leveraging “Internet of Things” to enhance sustainable development


Security Council (SC)

  • Addressing the crisis in the Strait of Hormuz
  • Naval expansion and maritime security in the South China Sea
  • The situation in the Sahel Region


Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

  • Countering the social – economic effects of the Brexit on international and Europa communities
  • Developing measures to effectively mitigate the impact of or terminate trade wars
  • Introducing Flexicurity as a means to protect the employer’s and employees’ rights
  • Assessing the socioeconomic impact of e-Health services on national health system


International Court of Justice (ICJ)

  • Crime of Genocide (The Gambia v. Myanmar)


Special Conference on children

  • The right to education in the juvenile justice systems
  • Providing humanitarian assistance for children suffering “atrocities” in countries with conflicts
  • Supporting sport for development and peace
  • Adopting the immunization program for Children


Youth Assembly

  • Food security in refugee camps
  • Preventing net addiction
  • The issue of human cloning