25th Conference 2022

Invitation - 25th Deutsche Schule Athen Model United Nations Conference

Dear MUN Director, Advisor, Colleague,

We cordially invite you to the 25th DSAMUN Conference (Deutsche Schule Athen Model United Nations Conference) to be held from Friday 21 to Sunday 23 October 2022 at Deutsche Schule Athen / Germaniki Scholi Athinon (GSA).

DSAMUN is a three-day-long simulation of the work of the United Nations. It is designed for secondary school students (Greek Lykeion/grades 10-12) and is intended to provide an occasion for the delegates to discuss world issues. It gives them the opportunity to experience the work of the United Nations and to get to know the world of diplomacy. For students from schools where the first language is not English an MUN conference also offers the opportunity to develop and practice their English, as the official language of DSAMUN (preparing resolutions, lobbying, debating) is English.

DSAMUN has 4 General Assembly Committees (Disarmament and International Security Committee, Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, Special Political and Decolonization Committee and Legal Committee) and 6 specialized committees (Security Council, ECOSOC, Environmental Committee, Special Conference on Post Pandemic World, Youth Assembly and International Court of Justice).

The delegates should research and prepare draft resolutions and policy statements on the various issues and learn to negotiate and debate in the formal way of the United Nations.

The MUN website (www.dsamun.gr) provides you with all the necessary detailed information. You register online. For any further information please contact our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. or mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope to welcome you at our conference.

Yours sincerely,


Annedore Dierker                     Magdalini Psychogiou                   Maria Theocharopoulou

  Headmistress                              MUN Director                                MUN Director

Invitation Secretariat

Dear MUN Director, Advisor, Colleague,

We cordially invite you to the 25th DSAMUN Conference (Deutsche Schule Athen Model United Nations Conference) to be held from Friday 21 to Sunday 23 October 2021 at Deutsche Schule Athen, under the auspices of the German Embassy. This year’s Special Conference is Post Pandemic World: What lies ahead.

The pandemic has undoubtedly changed the way we perceive life itself, however one question that many people have not thought of asking is how will life look in a post pandemic world? The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly changed people’s lives. Wearing a mask, social distancing and being in quarantine is now part of our quotidian life as well as of what we perceive as normal life itself. The outbreak of that small, deathly virus has had an influence on the socio-economic state of the world.

Nowadays, everyone talks about “life before the pandemic” as if everything was ideal. But was it really? The widespread lockdown measures,made most of the people think who they really were and who they really wanted to be. Two years later, after having found time to assess and evaluate their lives, people, paradoxically, still want to go back to “life before the pandemic”. Life will however never be the same as “life before the pandemic”. After two years of living with the COVID-19 and having experienced some of its outcomes, it is about time we accept that we cannot live the way we used to, but instead we ought to adapt to the new world and whatever lies ahead.

DSA-MUN is a three-day-long simulation of the work of the United Nations. It is designed for secondary school students (Greek Lykeion/grades 10-12) and is intended to provide an occasion for the delegates to discuss world issues in an international environment. The delegates discuss vital issues of international importance, preparing declarations and resolutions and learning to negotiate and cooperate under the UN regulations. The DSAMUN Conference allows participants to come into direct contact with the work of the United Nations and to experience the world of diplomacy. Furthermore, for students from schools where the first language is not English a participation in a MUN conference offers them the opportunity to develop and practice their English, as the official language of DSAMUN (preparing resolutions, lobbying, debating) is English.

DSAMUN has 4 General Assembly Committees (Disarmament and International Security Committee, Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee, Special Political and Decolonization Committee and Legal Committee) and 6 specialized committees (Security Council, ECOSOC, Environmental Committee, Special Conference on Post Pandemic World, Youth Assembly and International Court of Justice). The delegates should research and prepare draft resolutions and policy statements on the various issues and learn to negotiate and debate in the formal way of the United Nations.

Our main goal is to continue to develop and maintain our DSAMUN experience available to all those familiar with MUN conferences and provide students and teachers the opportunity to remain connected to the world of diplomacy through MUN conferences and enhance their MUN experience.

Finally, we strongly believe that the controversial and highly interesting topics on the agenda will contribute to the success of the conference by inspiring all participants to look out for constructive solutions and, thus, to improve the current situation in the world.

The DSAMUN official website (https://www.dsamun.gr) provides you with all the necessary detailed information. You can register online (https://dsamun.website). If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact our team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The Secretary General   The President of the General Assembly  The Deputy President of the General


  Jason Patsatzis                    Chrysanthi Dellas-Grivas                      Erika Kunstmann

Provisional Agenda DSAMUN 2022



Disarmament and International Security Committee (GA1) 

  • Implementing measures to ensure the stability and territorial integrity of Afghanistan
  • Tracking and tackling the illicit production and distribution of chemical weapons
  • Evaluating the effects of Secret Diplomacy on Global Security and Peace


Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (GA3)

  • Protecting the worker’s rights of migrant workers in Middle Eastern Nations
  • Assessing Covid-19 Restriction Measures as to avoid a Hygiene Dictatorship
  • Proposing a Global Framework to Prevent the Persecution of Journalists and Independent Media 


Special Political and Decolonization Committee (GA4)

  • The situation in Transnistria
  • Methods to Cease Francafrique Political and Economic Neo-Colonialism
  • Promoting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East


Legal Committee (GA6)

  • Discussing the Legal Frameworks and current legislations in place preventing the cartelization of world trade markets
  • Establishing a Legal Liabilities for child protective services
  • The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction



  • Discussing the economic and social effect of pharmaceutical cartels
  • The question of setting frameworks to regulate the usage of cryptocurrencies
  • Tackling the social repercussions of the "Resource Curse" in developing economies
  • Assisting Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDC’s) affected by the application of sanctions 


Environmental Committee (EC)

  • The impact of industrial pollution on pandemic transmission
  • Water Security in Transnational Desert Climates
  • Imposing measures tackling the particulate pollution in Southern Asian countries



  • The situation in Ukraine
  • The question of the Ethiopian Tigray Conflict
  • Reviewing preventive measures within the framework of the Responsibility to Protect



  • Measures to ensure equal access to education by restructuring government educational programs
  • The rise of domestic abuse and femicide in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Social Policy to promote Inclusive and Sustainable Recovery Post COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Developing a framework to support disabled individuals during pandemics



Action Paper I

  • Measures to reduce the social gap due to increasing povertyand unemployment, amongst the youth, following the COVID-19 crisis
  • Social Acceptance of mental illness


Action Paper II

  • The consequences of the economic crises on human rights
  • The question of the rights of illegal immigrants and the impact on hosting countries


International Court of Justice (ICJ)

  • Certain Questions of Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (Djibouti vs. France)




20 October


Acropolis Museum – guided tour, cost:  5 Euros for advisors - 3 Euros for from non-EU countries, with current identification card to confirm age - free for students from EU countries, with current identification card (optional, register per email), meeting point metro station Acropolis at 10.oo o’clock


Chair workshop at GSA (mandatory for all Student Officers)




21 October


Registration (Foyer)




Advisors Meeting (Atrium)


Seating (Auditorium)


General Assembly: Official Opening Ceremony


All committees in session




Approval Panel in operation


Lobbying, final Draft of Resolutions




22 October




Approval Panel in operation


Committees, SC and ICJ in session




Group photo (all together)


Committees, SC and ICJ in session




23 October


Committees in session


SC, ECOSOC, Special Conference, ICJ and Youth Assembly in session


General Assembly in session


Lunch available for SC, ECOSOC, Special Conference, ICJ and Youth Assembly


Lunch available for GA committees


General Assembly in session


Closing Ceremony