General information


German School of Athens (DSA)
Dimokritou 6 & Germanikis Scholis Athinon
15123 Marousi, GREECE
Tel:         +30 211 777 4511 
Fax:        +30 210 6199 267
E-mail:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Form I (school registration) must be completed on the DSAMUN Registration System until June 24, 2024. Applications for Student Officers / ICJ Officers positions must be completed until May 15, 2024.
Form II must be completed until September 20, 2024.

Delegation Size:

4-6 students (7 students for countries with SC or ECOSOC and 8 students for countries with SC and ECOSOC). Each school may apply for one, two or three delegations. Each delegation must have an ambassador (head delegate) in one of the GA committees. Students can also apply for positions in the Youth Assembly (Action Paper I/II), in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), for Student Officers positions and Press Officers (Journalists) positions. Please see agenda and respective application forms (

Excursions/Sightseeing Tours:

Advisors may organize on their own excursions/guided tours to visit the famous sightseeing of Athens. It is advisable to hold a student’s identity card as often reductions are given.


Standards of conduct for all students are expected to be maintained at high level. Those not willing to assume the responsibility for conducting themselves in such a manner may be asked to leave.

Dress Regulations:

Delegates should be reminded that the conference is a formal conference and that formal attire is required. For example: jeans, denim or cloth jackets, open-necked shirts, T-shirts, etc. or sneakers will not be permitted.


Each delegation will be responsible for supplying its own headed notepaper and sufficient copies of the draft resolutions. Extra photocopying will be charged at 10 cents per copy.


Students are encouraged to bring their own resolutions to the conference. A computer room (Windows®) and printers will be available for writing merged resolutions. Resolutions must be written and saved on a new disk or USB stick. On each disk the committee, the topic and the submitting country must be indicated. At least ten co-submitters need to be persuaded to sign on the co-submitter sheet in the lobbying process. The Committee Chairs must sign the resolutions before they can be presented to the Approval Panel.

Opening Speech:

Each delegation will have the floor of his/her committee for one minute, before the committee commences with lobbying. This should be treated as a serious occasion. The delegation’s opening speech must be representative of their nation’s policy on each of the committee’s topics. Following the delivery of seven opening speeches, two rights of reply will be entertained by the President.

Youth Assembly:

Students who wish to participate but not represent a country must prepare the topic at home (background paper) and write a paper with their own view on the respective topic during the conference.

Security Council & International Court of Justice:

Only for exceptionally hard-working and motivated students. Information on the procedure for SC-Resolutions will be given at our chair workshop.