14th Conference 2011 Press

Speech of Kristian Rasmussen, the Deputy head of mission Denmark and Prof. Anastasios Giannitsis

After the speech of Michael Linhart Kristian Rasmussen, the Deputy head of mission Denmark said that his country should find examples that benefit peace

Read more: Speech of Kristian Rasmussen, the Deputy head of mission Denmark and Prof. Anastasios Giannitsis

Speech of H.E. Dr. Roland Wegener, Ambassador of Germany to Greece

Mr Ronald Wegener started by saying that it was a great honour for him being in the German School of Athens. He also talked about the importance of MUN.

Read more: Speech of H.E. Dr. Roland Wegener, Ambassador of Germany to Greece

Speech of H.E. DR. Michael Linhart, Ambassador of Austria

Dr. Linhart started his speech by congratulating the MUN-directors on the opening ceremony. He continued by mentioning the difficult times not only Greece

Read more: Speech of H.E. DR. Michael Linhart, Ambassador of Austria

Speech of Mr. Thanasis Kiritsis

Thanasis Kiritsis opened his speech, mentioning the paths everyone should follow in the MUN. He advised on watching all topics of interest: Environmental, politic, financial, etc.

Read more: Speech of Mr. Thanasis Kiritsis

Speech of Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis - Member of the Greek Parliament

Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis began his speech by congratulating the DSA for the excellent event and he expressed his hopes for the success of the conference.

Read more: Speech of Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis - Member of the Greek Parliament

Speech of Mr. Thomas Fischer

At the beginning of his speech, a minute of silence was kept as a tribute to Mrs. Meidani, former headmistress of the Greek department of the DSA.

Read more: Speech of Mr. Thomas Fischer

Message of the UN Secretary General

According to the message by H.E. the Secretary General of the United Nation, Mr.Ban Ki-moon, delivered by George Evgenidis, Deputy Secretary General of the DSAMUN,

Read more: Message of the UN Secretary General